Sunday, January 24, 2010


Cheese Cheese how I love cheese...Fred Meyer has 4 bags of Kraft shred cheese for $5 and the paper has an in ad coupon for $1 off 2 Kraft cheeses which makes the cheese just 75 cents. 

As I was driving to the store doing the math in my head trying to decide if I should buy a second news paper to get another Kraft $1/2 coupon. At the same time I was trying to decide if I should get a Starbucks. Lucky for me these two thoughts collided into coupon nirvana! 

On the table in the center of Starbucks were 2 discarded Sunday papers. I walked directly to them and removed 2 sets of coupons. I then ordered my drink and walked to the recycle bin and pulled out one more set of coupons. Drink in hand I sat down at a table and ripped out 3 Kraft coupons so I had 4!

Sure, I probably looked odd rummaging through the recycle bin and maybe a little odd buying 8 bags of cheese but it felt AWESOME to know I am providing for my family and living under our budget!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Friday, July 17, 2009

Additional 25% off GAP sale!

There is a great sale going on at Use the code below for an additional 25% off of sale items. I got some Robeez for the boys for less than $15. Check it out. the code is SALE25 at checkout!

happy deal hunting!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Great diaper deal~~COSTCO

Today I got a great deal on diapers at Costco. If you are a member you should get a coupon book in the mail about every other month. Almost every time there is a diaper coupon.
Here is the deal

Buy box of Huggies wipes and a box of Huggies diapers and get $9 off.
When I buy diapers and wipes I always look to get them for less than 20 cents per diaper and 2.2 cents per wipe.

Here is the math for this deal!
Diapers: size 3, 224 per box, $42.79 - $4.50= $38.29/224 = .17 per diaper!!!
Wipes: 1000 count, 23.99 - $4.50 = $19.49/1000 = .019 per wipe!!!

The quantities change depending on the size you need for the diapers but it is still a smokin deal per dipe. The coupon works for 2 boxes of wipes and 2 boxes of diapers.

The boxes are also great for storing clothes that I am saving for the consigment sale in October!

Happy deal hunting!!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

How to use coupons

As a stay-at-home mom I try to do everything I can to be home with my boys. Part of my "job" is to keep my family on budget. That is why I use coupons and shop sales!
In the past I have been a sporadic coupon user mostly because I have never had a good system. Now I do!

The system is the key to saving the most money and keeping at it!

Here is what I do:

make your grocery list...
If you don't make a list you will be tempted to buy things simply because you have a coupon.
Organize your list in whatever system makes sense to you. Some people organize based on their grocery store layout, some based on the items they need most often and some are completely random. Do what works for you. Once you have your list go to the next step.

clip your coupons...
You will find coupons in a number of places. The newspaper, the Internet, magazines, on the back of boxes, in packages, at the grocery store check out, in the little machines attached to the shelves at the store and I am sure there are more and more I just haven't found yet. Clip the ones for items you use. Be careful not to clip for items you do not use or want. This is the best way to fill a pantry with food that you will not use.

load coupons onto your store loyalty cards...
There are new sights coming out all the time that will load coupons onto your store loyalty card. Check the website of your local store to see if they use these services. They are super easy to use, the savings come right off when the checker scans your card.

organize your coupons...
I have a small organizer I use. I bought it at the dollar store a few years ago. It is a little accordion file that has categories. Some people use large binders with plastic pages. To start keep it simple, an envelope may work fine for awhile. As you continue to use coupons you will find what works for you.

read the grocery store ads...
Tuesday morning the newspaper has all of our local grocery store ads. I read them and decide which store has the items I have on my grocery list. If the store you are going to has a double clip it out! Doublers are great. Some will double 3 or 4 coupons for up to .50 or 1.00 each. so it can be $2 or $3 additional savings!

pull your coupons and code your grocery list...
Now that you know what store you are going to use start pulling your coupons. I pull the ones that match what I need and then clip them to my list. I also mark my list with codes like (c) for coupon and then I put the amount of the coupon and any quantity required with the coupon. This will save you time hunting for coupons while you are at the store and possibly missing one!

calculate the best deal...
While I am at the store I still compare prices. Just because you have a coupon does not mean it is the best deal. Check to be sure the ounces or quantity match the coupon. It can be frustrating to have a coupon rejected because you did not grab the right item.

Check the deals and clearance section at the store for items you use regularly...
Not all deals are in the ads. Take your coupons with you just in case you find an awesome deal at the store! I have found damaged boxes of garbage bags in the clearance section and then used a coupon to get them free. I may not have had them on my list but I found the deal and they are something we use all the time.

try to shop alone...
I tried to take the boys with me to shop a few times and found I was missing deals because I was so distracted. Now I shop in the evening while they are in bed and my hubby is home. I can shop at my pace and it is usually quiet at the store.

watch as the checker scans your coupons...
You will hand the checker a pile of coupons and generally they are great and very thorough about scanning them all. But sometimes you will have a line behind you and a stressed checker and they will go to fast and miss something. We work too hard to get all these coupons organized to not get all our deals!

don't be embarrassed...
the first time I used coupons I was a little embarrassed...until I saw what I saved. The people waiting behind you will also be impressed by your savings so let them sigh and roll their eyes when you pull out your coupons!

It may sound like lots of work and the first few times it may take you awhile but I promise it is worth it when you get the receipt and it says you saved!!! For me it is so satisfying to know I have gotten everything I need without spending more than I have to! The first time you realize you got an item for free you will feel a great thrill and all the hard work will be worth it.
Then treat yourself to a coffee/soda/chocolate while you shop, you earned it!